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ELearning Development

There are 6 common phases that any eLearning

development process must undergo. What are they, why are they important, and where in the development process do they fit in?

The Instructional Design (ID) world has been influenced by a fair share of Instructional Design models such as the ADDIE Model, D. Carey and J. Carey’s Model, Gagne’s nine-step model, and SAM – the latest one. While the Instructional Design model followed by each organization differs, the model itself is followed quite rigidly. This is not the case with the eLearning development process; each organization follows its own process – one that fits into its way of functioning. But even with each company following its own eLearning development process, there are some common phases  that must be followed.

The 6 common phases that all eLearning development processes must go through are:

  1. Creation of the Instructional Design Document (IDD).
  2. Scripting.
  3. Development of a prototype.
  4. Development of the course without audio.
  5. Development of the course with audio.
  6. Creation of the Learning Management System version of the course.

Let’s take a brief look at these 6 common phases.